Built in the 1850s by convict labour, the fascinating Garrick Theatre originally served as a Commissariat Store and quarters and is a stunning reminder of the early convict days of the Swan River colony.
The dwelling was designed by prominent engineer Lieutenant Edmund Du Cane to help kickstart the Colony's economy and infrastructure after a period of depression. It was built alongside a gaol, a depot for ticket of leave men, and quarters for himself. All these buildings, along Meadow Street, were completed by convict labour by the end of 1852.
The single-storey, brick-walled, corrugated iron dwelling was built in the Colonial Georgian style and was later used as a drill hall by Enrolled Pensioner Guards.
Garrick Theatre was established in 1932 and is the longest continuously running community theatre in metropolitan Perth.
Enjoy an ogle from the outside or buy a ticket to one of the many quality shows on offer throughout the year for a true Garrick Theatre experience!
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